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Guide to Writers Conferences & Writing Workshops

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Search Results: 24 Matches
Showing 1-24
1. 9th Annual Broadleaf Writers Conference
Headlined by NYT bestselling authors, top literary agents, and sessions and workshops packed with insightful information and experience, our conference offers...
Dunwoody, GA

2. Academic Writing Seminar. Become the Best College Paper Writer
If you're a student, writer, person with a passion for writing or just want to communicate with like-minded people, this seminar...
Atlanta, GA : New York, NY

3. Atlanta Writers Conference
Twice-yearly conference featuring 10-12 editors & agents with manuscript & query letter critiques, pitches, Q&A panels, workshop & more. Past participants...
Atlanta, GA

4. The Atlanta Writing Workshop
A full-day “How to Get Published” writing event. This writing event is a wonderful opportunity to get intense instruction over the...
Atlanta, GA

5. Atlanta Writing Workshop: Bearing Witness: A Journey Into You
Award-Winning & National Bestselling Author Margaret Johnson-Hodge presents: "Bearing Witness: A Journey Into You" Writing Workshop with morning & afternoon writing...
Atlanta, GA : Marietta, GA

6. Bobbie Christmas Seminars
Usually includes a lecture, discussion, and question-and-answer session. The dates change, so e-mail me to get on the mailing list for...
Atlanta, Marietta & Woodstock, GA

7. Christian Writer's Advance
Classes, workshops and mentoring sessions specifically geared toward strengthening Christian writers who believe they write prophetically (meaning led by the Spirit)....
Atlanta, GA

8. Crossroads Freelancers Summit
New this year, the Freelancers Summit is focused on writers who want to publish in magazines, websites, blogs and newspapers.
Southeast, : Macon, GA : GA

9. Dahlonega Ga Writers Workshop - Lily Creek Lodge
Intensive writing workshop that focuses on character development. Includes discussions, exercises, workshops & writing time.
Dahlonega, Atlanta, GA

10. Erotic Pen Workshops
Writing intensives combined with one-on-one consults & group interactives.
Washington, DC : Atlanta, GA : Boston, MA : Baltimore, MD : Raleigh, Charlotte, NC : New York City, NY

11. Georgia Press Association

12. Georgia Romance Writers: Moonlight and Magnolias
Includes keynote speakers, workshops, editor/agent appointments, autographing & bookfair, awards banquet.
Atlanta, GA

13. Great American Bargain Book Show University
Lectures by recognized authors & book industry executives on writing, publishing & marketing.
Atlanta, GA

14. Hollis Gillespie Writing Conferences
Memoir writing seminars that focus on pitching & the publishing track, blogging.
Atlanta, GA : Charlotte, NC

15. How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career
Panelists, Q&A period.
Buckhead, GA

16. JGI-Publishing Seminars
Includes hands-on activity, lecture, Q&A. Covers practical steps & application of design, marketing, promotion, speaking, & financial ROI.
Atlanta, GA : Mt. Pleasant, MI

17. National Workshops For Enhancing Your Writing Skills
An integrated system of writing exercises to access & work with experiences & feelings for gaining self awareness.
Tucson, AZ : San Jose, Orange County, Grass Valley, San Francisco/Oakland, CA : Denver, Salida, CO : Atlanta, GA : Evanston, Wheaton, IL (... more)

18. Red Clay Writers Conference
The Red Clay Writers Conference is the annual conference of the Georgia Writers Association. Red Clay encourages and inspires writers across...
Atlanta, GA : Kennesaw, GA

19. skirt!® Creative Conference
Writers conference devoted to women telling their stories. Includes keynote & panel, breakout sessions, Q&A.
Atlanta, GA

20. Society of American Business Editors & Writers Annual Conference
Keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and panels
Phoenix, AZ : New Orleans, LA

21. Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators - Southern Breeze Region
Local and regional events with keynote addresses, workshops, critiques, panels, optional intensives for children's book writers and illustrators. Annual Conference is...
Georgia / Alabama / Florida Panhandle,

22. Write Your Way Through (WYWT) Writers Conference
Lectures, discussions, keynote.
Houston, TX

23. Writing group Heartway Healing
Ongoing writing group to develop your subconscious and unconscious creative sources and find your personal truth. Open to those who wish...
atlanta, GA : Decatur, GA

24. Your Novel--Write Now
Jump start your novel with half day or full day seminars on planning, plotting, revising, and publishing in today's fiction markets.
Atlanta, GA

Showing 1-24

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