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Guide to Writers Conferences & Writing Workshops

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Search Results: 21 Matches
Showing 1-21
1. Arkansas Literary Festival
Seminars, author readings, panels, discussions, special events
Little Rock, AR

2. Arkansas Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators
Conference: workshops, manuscript consultations, portfolio reviews, pitches, networking Retreat: lecture, discussion, writing practice, feedback Roundtable: discussion, feedback Workshop: craft practice, lecture, feedback
North Little Rock, AR : Fort Smith, AR

3. BlueCat Screenplay Workshop
Full-script & first ten pages workshops that include participant & instructor feedbacks.
Los Angeles, CA : Chicago, IL : Wichita, KS : Boston, MA : New York, NY

4. Brave Voice Retreat in Writing & Singing
Retreat devoted to writing, singing, &/or songwriting. Includes workshops, performances, readings.
Council Grove Lake, KS

5. Children's Literature Fellowship
WCDH is offering a fellowship for a two-week residency to allow the recipient to focus on a book that provides inspiration...
Eureka Springs, AR

6. Gordon Kessler's Novel Writing Seminar
Seminar devoted to story writing and publishing. Covers narration & exposition, characters & characterization, conflict, plot, setting, dialogue, internalization.
Wichita, Kansas City, KS : Kansas City, MO : Lincoln, NE

7. HACWN Fall Conference
Conference for Christian writers that includes 60 workshops, electives, keynote sessions
Kansas City, MO

8. Kansas Authors Club Annual Convention
Concurrent daily workshops, Youth Contest & Literary Contest Awards ceremonies, annual meeting.
Topeka, KS

9. Kansas Authors Club Convention
The Kansas Authors Club welcomes creative, technical, academic and journalistic writers. Since 1904, the club has offered the inkwell photoopportunity to...
Topeka, KS

10. Kansas Writers Association Conference
2 concurrent sessions
Wichita, KS

11. LDStorymakers & Indie Author Hub Writers Conference
The SMIAH Conference includes breakout sessions, keynotes, and intensives on everything from publishing to the writing craft. Whether you want indie...
Kansas City, MO

12. Maple Woods Community College Writers' Conference
Pre-conference poetry slam, workshops, general sessions, breakout sessions, book signings
Kansas City, MO

13. Ozark Creative Writers
Watch this space for the speakers who will help us celebrate our 50th anniversary.
Eureka Springs, AR

14. Ozark Creative Writers Conference
The Ozark Creative Writers' annual conference is led by a group of volunteer directors and officers who are committed to organizing...
Eureka Springs, AR

15. Ozark Creative Writers Conference
We meet annually the second full weekend in October each year we feature writing contests and best selling authors, editors and...
Rogers, AR

16. Read.Write.Share. Writers Weekend
Weekend writers conference offering presentations, workshops,and discussions around nonfiction, creative nonfiction. Includes an authors fair.
little rock, AR

17. Speculative Fiction Writing Workshop
Learn how to write successful spec-fic. Short Fiction and Novels Workshops each meet from noon-5pm, 5 days/week, plus opportunities for more....
Lawrence, KS

18. Village Writing School
ONLINE workshops and events and an ongoing writers' support group. For beginning or established writers.
Eureka Springs, AR

19. White County Creative Writers Annual Writers Conference
Creative Non-Fiction; Memoirs; Character Development; Editing and Publishing choices. 13 contests being held in conjunction with conference - see website for details...
Searcy, AR

20. Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow
A year-round residency retreat for writers of all genres, backgrounds, and levels of experience. Eight suites have writing rooms, bathrooms and...
Eureka Springs, AR

21. Writing Conference, Inc.
Presentations, group sessions with discussions
Lawrence, KS : Springfield, MO

Showing 1-21

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