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Search Results:
40 Matches
Balticon is sponsored by the Baltimore Science Fiction Society (BSFS). BSFS presents the Compton Crook Award, the Robert A. Heinlein Award,...
Baltimore, MD
Chattahoochee Valley Writers' Conference
Multiple-track workshops followed by social; poetry readings; submitted manuscripts critiqued by editor (John Travis of Portals Press); writing contests in fiction,...
Columbus, GA
Connecticut Fiction Fest
Keynote Sarah MacLean, master class taught by Barbara Samuel O'Neal. 20+ workshops, suitable for all genres and skill levels, full suspense-mystery...
norwalk, CT
Cookbook University
Development & marketing tracks. Afternoon group sessions day one, concurrent morning & afternoon breakout sessions day two.
Nashville, TN : Seattle, WA
DFW Writers Conference
DFW Writers Conference, affectionately known as DFWCon, is the premier multi-genre writers conference in Texas. Featuring pitch sessions with literary agents,...
Fort Worth, TX
Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference
Take your writing to the next level with guidance from educators, industry professionals, literary agents and publishers focused on the craft...
San Fernando Valley, CA
Green Lake Writers Conference
Devotions, workshops, seminars, time to write, critique groups. Sun/Mon track includes seminars -$65 program/fee + room & meals. 5 day track...
Green Lake, WI
Jackson Hole Writers Conference
Manuscript critiques with authors & editors. Tracks for fiction, creative nonfiction, children's literature, and poetry. Craft classes, panels, presentations and readings....
Jackson Hole, WY
Killer Nashville Writers Conference
Writing conference devoted to mystery, thriller and crime fiction. Includes 5 learning tracks, pitch sessions, critiques,
Nashville, TN
Leviosa is a new Harry Potter, YA Lit and Writer's conference featuring close to 80 hours of programming over six tracks...
Henderson, NV
Minneapolis Young Writers Workshop
The Minneapolis Young Writers Workshop connects motivated young writers ages 13-19 with best selling authors who are gifted with the ability...
Minneapolis, MN
National Association of Poetry Therapy
Seminars in clinical & developmental applications of poetry therapy. multi-arts & performance-related workshops, mini-tracks in gerontology, professional development, & research.
Costa Mesa, CA
Northwest Christian Writers Conference
Get ready to write your winning story at our Renewal Conference. Through intensive tracks, keynote sessions, workshops, and meetings with editors...
Mill Creek, WA
Orange County Christian Writers Conference
OC Christian Writers Conference offers Keynote Speeches, 1-to-1 Consultations, Learning Tracks, and Inspirational workshops to help equip Christian writers with what...
Santa Ana, CA : Anaheim, North America