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Guide to Writers Conferences & Writing Workshops

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Search Results: 141 Matches
Showing 1-25 Next 25 >>>
1. “Why Must It Always End This Way?” Narrative Theory & Poetry Workshop with Natasha Sajé
Students will examine narrative in the poems of Barbara Guest and John Ashbery, among others, and are invited to bring their...
ny, NY

2. 7 Day Nature & Memoir Writing Retreat with Hannah Bourne-Taylor, Germany
Join British nature writer Hannah Bourne-Taylor, author of Fledgling, for a week of workshops, nature walks, and private writing time in...
Mutzenich, Germany

3. Adirondack Center for Writing
Focus on environmental and nature writing. Lectures, writing exercises, one-on-one feedback from presenters.
Paul Smiths & Old Forge, NY

4. African Voices Writers & Artists Circle
Memoir & biography writing workshop, panel sessions
New York, NY

5. Algonkian Novel Writing Courses and Program
The Algonkian Novel Writing Program and Courses realistically prep and edit your novel manuscript, regardless of stage or genre, for commercial...
CA : CO : CT : DC : DC : FL : IL : IL : MA : NC : NY : OR : PA : VA : WA : England : Internet

6. The Art & Business of Writing
Writers conference that includes workshops, panel discussions, pitching opportunities.
Montauk, NY

7. Art Workshop International
Workshops in fiction, short story, playwriting, memoir, essays and nonfiction, blogging a book, poetry. Includes personal conferences with the instructor.
Assisi, Italy

8. Artemisia Holidays Write
Workshops, individual exercises, personal coaching, one-to-one sessions; trips, visits & optional activities.
Garfagnana, Tuscany, Italy

9. ASJA Writers Conference
Concurrent morning & afternoon panels rated from beginning to advanced, some for all levels. Luncheon, keynote speaker, networking.
New York City, NY

10. Author 101 University
Presentations, publishing panel, one-on-one sessions
Los Angeles, CA

11. Be a Better Freelancer!®
Annual conference for current and aspiring freelance writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, graphic artists, website managers, etc., with guidance on marketing, promotions,...
Rochester, NY

12. Become a Writer Workshop
Three-part online series that focuses on the craft and discipline of becoming a writer

13. Bethany Beach Writing Retreat
Write your stories at the beach in the beautiful Addy Sea Inn! Gift yourself with 3 days to write your stories...
Bethany Beach, DE

14. Birth a Book in Bethlehem, New Hampshire
Our retreat is an opportunity to learn quick solutions to your book writing and publishing problems and pave the way to...

15. Booktowns Of Europe Summer Writers Workshops
Emphasis on book-length fiction and nonfiction projects. Two-hour group meetings in AM and PM, afternoon assignments involve some part of the...
Montolieu, France : Dachau, Germany : Skibbereen, Ireland : Bredevoort, Netherlands : Fjaerland, Norway

16. Brockport Writers' Forum Summer Workshops
Morning workshops, evening readings, afternoon lectures & discussions.

17. Brooklyn Book Festival
Book festival that includes panels, workshops, discussions, signings.
Brooklyn, NY

18. Catapult
Catapult is the "best place to meet your literary heroes and get better at writing, too," says the Village Voice. We...
New York, NY

19. Catch Sight of Desire: A Monologue Lab for Poets with Lenelle Moise
This energetic workshop combines theater exercises and writing prompts to encourage writers to create irresistible characters for the stage. Bring a...
ny, NY

20. Center to Page
Workshops, retreats, courses, coaching. Morning sessions feature study of authors' works and integration of yogic tools with writing of fiction, poetry,...
Taos, NM : Woodstock, NY : Block Island, RI : Austin, TX : Nova Scotia, Canada

21. Central New York Romance Writers
Workshops, speakers, social events
N. Syracuse, NY

22. Chautauqua Writer's Festival
Workshops, panel discussions, readings & lectures.
Chautauqua, NY

23. City College Annual Spring Poetry Festival
Readings, keynote speaker, hands-on workshops
New York, NY

24. Colgate Writers’ Conference
Morning craft talks & workshops. Individual consultation with workshop instructor in the afternoon. Late afternoon participant readings and talks on publishing,...
Hamilton, NY

25. Communication Central Conference
This year’s theme is “Be a Better Freelancer! (Re)Inventing Your Business.” Tips on starting, enhancing and promoting a freelance business.
Baltimore, MD : Rochester, NY

Showing 1-25 Next 25 >>>

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