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Guide to Writers Conferences & Writing Workshops

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Search Results: 15 Matches
Showing 1-15
1. Casa Ana Writers' Retreats
Creative, inspirational, and restful, the Casa Ana Writers’ Retreats in Andalucia, Spain offer a quiet sanctuary for you to focus entirely...
Granada, Spain

2. The Creativity Workshop
The Creativity Workshop has helped writers of all genres jumpstart and renew their imagination. We will teach you ways to keep...
New York City, NY : Prague, Czech Republic : Crete, Greece : Florence, Italy : Lison, Spain : Barcelona, Spain

3. The Creativity Workshop: Creative Writing, Drawing, Storytelling and Memoir
Workshops devoted to developing creative expression. Includes a series of exercises in Creative Writing, Mindfulness, Memoir, Photography, Art and Storytelling.
New York, NY : Prague, Czech Republic : Crete, Greece : Florence, Italy : Verona, Italy : Lisbon, Portugal : Barcelona, Spain

4. Ellen Bass Writing Workshops
Poetry & creative writing workshops that include a personal critique of students' work.
Big Sur, CA : Maui, HI : Syracuse, NY : Mallorca, Spain

5. La Serrania Retreats
Sessions include readings, writing exercises, writing time, group discussions & feedback.
Pollensa, Mallorca, Spain

6. Murphy Writing of Stockton University
Escape the distractions of your busy life. Advance your craft and energize your writing with a challenging and supportive Writing Getaway....
FL : NH : NJ : NY : Scotland, : Wales, : Spain : United Kingdom

7. Pyrenean Creative Writing Retreat
Creative writing retreat in a beautiful mountain farmhouse in the Basque Pyrenees. All writers welcome for one full week of craft...

8. Reine Dugas Writing Workshop
Nonfiction writing workshop that covers memoir, travel, food and personal essays. Includes classes, individual consultations, informal writing and journal activities.
Barcelona, Spain

9. SevenDayWonder Writing Holidays
Workshops that include writing exercises, review/feedback sessions, individual consultations, writing time.
Montpellier, France : Girona, Spain

10. Summer in Granada Writing Retreat
Join the Cambridge Writers’ Workshop on our summer writing & yoga retreat to the cultural oasis of Granada. The retreat offers...
Brooklyn, NY : Granada, Spain

11. Taking Flight: A Writing Workshop in France
A one-week writing workshop for both beginning and experienced writers, held in a four-star B&B in the Lot Valley of France...

12. University of New Orleans - Study Abroad Programs
Workshops, seminars, lectures, guest & student readings
Montpellier, France : Merano, Italy : Madrid, Spain

13. Write in Spain
Mentoring and Workshops in dialogue, characters, short story writing and longer pieces of writing including text books and novels. This encompasses...
San Pablo de Buceite, Spain : Sotogrande, Spain : Marbella, Spain

14. Writing from the edge
Immersive workshop of ecopoetry, cartographic poetry and rewilding the imagination. Beautiful, ecological setting but also a jacuzzi and a sauna to...
Malaga, Spain

15. Writing Workshops
Writing Workshops on dialogue, characters, short story and memoirs for creative fiction and non fiction
Jimena de la Frontera, Spain : San Pablo de Buceite, Spain

Showing 1-15

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